About Rosy Cheeks
Rosy Cheeks Early Learning Centre is situated in a traditional character home which has been carefully redesigned to meet the social, emotional and physical needs of young children. We have a large outdoor play area with a garden where we encourage the children to learn about growing fruit and vegetables. Our dedicated art room encourages creatively and is the perfect setting for messy play.
At any one time we have up to 35 children between the ages of two to five years of age at Rosy Cheeks. We have a wonderful team of long serving teachers who are passionate nurturing young individuals. We carefully recruit teachers that have the perfect personality and temperament to work with the children in our care.
Rosy Cheeks was opened in 2009 by a partnership of individuals with a passion for quality childcare. Being privately owned and operated enables us to respond quickly to the needs of our families.

Our Senior Team
Kathy Warne
Director and a co-owner
Kathy has a Bachelor of Education (Hons) Primary & Early Years from the UK and over 20 years of experience working with young children and parents. She moved to NZ in 2007, arriving from the UK where she helped establish a large early years centre catering for 90 four-year-olds and jointly set up a new school and nursery. Kathy has extensive teaching experience in a variety of schools and centres.
Joanna Kelly
Director and co-owner
Joanna Kelly has a Bachelor of Business, Accounting and Banking & Finance and uses these skills together with her project management background to oversee the business operations. Joanna works part-time for Rosy Cheeks.
Vanessa Pauley
Centre Manager
Vanessa has a Master of Education (endorsed in Inclusive and Special Education) and is a fully registered early childhood teacher. Vanessa joined Rosy Cheeks in August 2022 and took over the responsibilities of Centre Manager from Kathy. Vanessa is responsible for the day to day care and relationships with parents and children, the management of teachers, as well as establishing and maintaining our curriculum, policies and standards.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy acknowledges that every child is unique and special. Our positive relationships with individual tamariki ensures that we know and understand each and every child enabling them to be happy, safe, nurtured and engaged. We greatly value our joint partnership with whānau and welcome them to be involved in the life of Rosy Cheeks.
At Rosy Cheeks, we aim to be an early years centre of excellence, which nurtures tamariki to grow and develop as individuals and prepares them for their future. We provide worthwhile learning experiences through an appropriate and stimulating curriculum.
Rosy Cheeks embraces a rich bicultural environment where Māori values and concepts are woven and embedded in all aspects of our work.

We offer children a play based curriculum with a wide variety of learning opportunities. We support children to select activities linked to their own interests but balance this with learning opportunities aimed specifically at certain groups of children and individuals.
We use the Te Whāriki Curriculum guiding principles as a foundation for our curriculum (Empowerment/Whakamana, Holistic Development/Kotahitanga, Family and community/Whānau tangata and Relationships/Mgā hononga).
Our learning opportunities are very varied and cover a wide variety of activities. Children have access to all the expected activities as well as gardening, creative experiences, music, dance, cooking, science-based learning and excursions.

Our latest ERO (Education Review Office) report was in June 2020. We are very proud of the findings.
“Children benefit from caring, respectful and nurturing relationships with their kaiako which helps develop their sense of belonging at the centre. They are settled, trusting and engaged. Kaiako know children well, view them as capable and confident learners, and have positive and respectful interactions with them. They take time to listen to children, share in their interests and effectively support play.”

P. 03 337 5252 | E. info@rosycheeks.co.nz | 188 Rose Street, Somerfield, Christchurch 8024, New Zealand
Copyright © 2021 Rosy Cheeks | Website by Gould Media
Copyright © 2021 Rosy Cheeks | Website by Gould Media