Enrol With Us
If you are considering enrolment at Rosy Cheeks we invite you to come and meet us and have a good look around. This will help you decide if it is the right place for your child. Phone us on 03 337 5252, have a chat or make a time to visit. You are welcome to come alone or with your child.
Some important information you will also need to read includes:
- Our Parent Information Brochure detailing all the general information you will need to know about the Centre including our philosophy and key policies, session times and what you will need to bring to the Centre each day.
- Our Fee Schedule detailing current fees, charges and payment terms.
- An Enrolment Form for you to complete if you decide Rosy Cheeks is a good fit for your child.
To join our waiting list please contact us by email info@rosycheeks.co.nz, or call us on 03 337 5252. To include you on our waiting list we will require your child’s name and date of birth, desired start date and preferred sessions. We will be in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss any vacancy that might be available.

P. 03 337 5252 | E. info@rosycheeks.co.nz | 188 Rose Street, Somerfield, Christchurch 8024, New Zealand
Copyright © 2021 Rosy Cheeks | Website by Gould Media
Copyright © 2021 Rosy Cheeks | Website by Gould Media