Our Offering
Social interaction and structure are important for all children. We offer these key aspects plus much more.
A Healthy Focus
We are keen for all children to be physically active and lead healthy lifestyles. Rosy Cheeks has a lovely large garden area which enables us to offer a wide variety of outdoor activities. Tamariki at Rosy Cheeks enjoy growing vegetables and picking fruit from the garden.
Rosy Cheeks has also achieved the prestigious Heart Foundation Healthy Heart Award. This award reflects our commitment to providing an environment that promotes a combination of healthy food choices and physical activity.
At Rosy Cheeks, we have a separate dedicated art room where tamariki are encouraged to explore and investigate their creativity through art and messy play.
Session Times
Rosy Cheeks opens at 8.00am and closes at 5.30pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Children may attend all day or morning (8am-12.30pm) or afternoon (1pm-5.30pm) sessions. Many centres require children to be enrolled for a minimum number of days or sessions each week. At Rosy Cheeks we allow whānau to decide what is appropriate for their child.
20 Hours ECE
We participate in the 20 Hours ECE scheme available to enrolled three, four and five-year-olds up to six hours a day, with a maximum of 20 hours a week. If you would like more information about this please give us a call and we can discuss it with you.
High Teacher Ratio
We have nine teachers employed at Rosy Cheeks, working either full or part-time.
Our teachers are trained in early childhood (ECE) or primary education. At Rosy Cheeks we aim to always have a greater number of teachers than is required by the licensing regulations for early childcare centres, enabling us to avoid the need for relief teachers and provide teachers with sufficient time to write learning stories and prepare activities.

P. 03 337 5252 | E. info@rosycheeks.co.nz | 188 Rose Street, Somerfield, Christchurch 8024, New Zealand
Copyright © 2021 Rosy Cheeks | Website by Gould Media
Copyright © 2021 Rosy Cheeks | Website by Gould Media